Human Rights Application Grounds

Human Rights Applications are for those who do not fit under the UK Immigration rules.

You are facing serious hardships either within the UK or in your home country and you can not return back due to those obstacles.

The situations in which you can submit your Human Rights Applications:

Students with no extension options

You have entered into the UK as a student . You have been enrolled in the colleges, but your colleges revoked and so your CAS letter. You have trying to get your status regularised, but you had no luck. Now, either you can not go back or you want to stay in the UK and complete education.

For Human Right Applications, contact on 00447870959175 (Whats App) and speak to Barrister Shazia Anjum

Private Life and Human Rights

In this struggle, your beloved family members may have died,

your other family members may have moved out your life in your back home country,

you may have gone through physical and mental conditions,

There are financial stress, family stress and emotional stress. At this stage your Human rights may have been involved under Article 8, Article 3 and Article 14

Therefore, You may qualify for free medical treatment, and suitable housing and other support that you need to bounce back into your life.

Exceptional Circumstances

You have submitted the application but it has been pending for years and years and you did not hear back from the Home Office. You may have appealed the decision and you did not get the right support and advice from your lawyer or it was too expensive to afford a lawyer and your are left in chaos.

You are left in miserable crisis, serious hardships, irreparable suffering with the losses, and by not having the right of work and suitable accommodation to live at.  You are forced to do underpaid wages and have been living at inhabitable accommodation without dignity and respect. Then you can apply under this category by enclosing your relevant evidence.

Partner Visa with no current leave

If you have entered into UK without having valid visa or your visa is expired. Now you are married to a British Citizen, Asylum seeker or to a person with Limited leave to remain, you can apply as a partner to get settlement in the UK without going back to your home country if there are enough grounds why you can not go back to your country and apply from there.

Parents Visa with no current leave

Your previous leave to remain have been expired or you never had any leave to remain. Now you are mother or father of British Child or child born in the UK and lived for 5 years, you can apply as parents of child in the UK, proving your serious hardships.

Victim Of Domestic Violence

If you have been victim of domestic violence by your spouse in the UK, and your relationship has broken down you have the route to apply for settlement under this route.

For your settlement application under this route text on 00447870959175 (Whats App) and send proof of domestic abuse, Barrister Shazia Anjum will call you directly and guide you further.


Some time, your granted leave was curtailed by the Home Office and you were left in nightmare immigration process where even if you paid to your colleges, you paid your lawyers and the court fee but you did not get any justice.

You may have been submitting from applications to applications within the time but the situation was beyond your control. You will have enough grounds to submit your application under the Human Right Grounds.

Overstayer Visa Application
If you need further help contact on 00447870959175 (Whats App) and Speak to BArrister Shazia Anjum directly.

If you want to know more about list of documents that you need to prepare in your application please click the link below and read through:

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